15 Apr

This is my last shoot for this project. Going into this shoot, I knew that I had enough images for my final submission. I wanted to take more portraits of members of the veteran community that I had not previously shot. For this project I will be creating a book on Blurb as I have made several books in the past through this service. I continued to shoot in the style of Steve Pyke. 

I used natural light for this shoot as I did in my previous portrait shoot. 

I edited all above images using the same methods as I did for my previous shoot. Adjusting curves, hue and levels.  I personally believe that each of my portraits shoots progressaly got better and generated more depth. This was primarily dow to using Steve Pyke's work as my main source of inspiration. Early on for this project I could not find the basis for my theme. 

With the portraits taken, I continued to shoot several still life and landscape images as I did with my previous shoots. Below are the images mentioned. 

The image directly above is the original version of the image, as shot, directly below is the slightly edited version. I used the 'ai content aware fill' option on photoshop to see if the image would work better without the corner objects. Personally I think the edited image works better as the image becomes less convoluted and noisy, the focus remains solely on the center frame. 

Below is the raw file of the image. The added dynamic of colour generates a different feel to the image. I believe all images being shot in black and white while in square format works well within my theme of intimate perspectives. 

My final shoot for this project was the most developed. I knew the exact shooting method I was going to use and how I was going to present all final images. I will be creating a book with all final images along side the names and ranks for each veteran and information about their history. All condensed down together in a simplistic book design to retain the focus on the people within the portraits. 

I arranged with Noel for him to gather the information for my book. Once I have received the information I will add the finishing touches to the book. 

I will continue to meet with the veterans to discuss future projects.

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